Projectmates is an enterprise construction program management software that provides cities, counties, federal, state and government entities the ability to manage their construction programs from concept to closeout. Projectmates is SOC 2 Type II certified and has been trusted by government agencies for 20+ years.
As an award-winning construction management software, Projectmates facilitates team collaboration and communication regardless of time, distance or device. With capital planning capabilities, finance and fund managers have an at-a-glance progress report of all funds, including oversight of the entire financial program.
Powerful and informative project analytics and ad-hoc construction program reporting provide high-level project tracking with unparalleled transparency to help Owners anticipate and mitigate the delays and cost overruns that are so common in construction projects. Projectmates provides a centralized location for workflow automation, document management, contract management, accounting integration, and much more.
Systemates, Inc.
Richardson, Texas
Phone: 214.217.4100